Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!...I miss my gay dog (´;��;`)

Gay Elvis I'm Broke went to a new home...I want him back! So I'ma keep
mentioning it to my parents until they

A. Bring back my gay dog.

B. Bring back my gay dog.

C. Tell ME to go pick him up.

Moving on 2009 is here now and my resolutions are:

1. Get an AWESOME job

2. Save money so I can do what I want.

3. Go on a cruise with Claudia and hopefully my gay dog.

4. Lose the flab...(^.^)

5. Go back to Asia...don't particularly care which part!

6. Stop being so paranoid!!

Can't think of much else right now but when it comes back to me I plan
on doing it!

Happy New Year!

Don't forget about your pets! They have to live through 2009 too! Make
it a good year for them to!

Barcalisha! Datalisha! Cookie! Lady! Gay Elvis I'm Broke! (If I get you
back) Stupid bird that hides under my bed! I'm gonna take better care of
you guys!

And I'm going to stop being lazy and find more time to spend with my
friends...I say this now but who knows if I do it!


(^3^) chu!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who wants some chocolate?

You guessed it! I can't sleep! But it's a good thing because I found
chocolate! Want some? Enter to win!

and hit this site up for some reading!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Help a lost dog get home!

In the process of trying to get the dog we found home, I came across
another lost Pomeranian.

His name is Rusty, he's a red sable pomeranian and he went missing from
the Tara Subdivision between Richmond and Sugarland, Texas. He has a
collar with a name tag and shot tag.

If you have any information on Rusty please email me:



Anyone lose a dog?

Yesterday a dog walked into our yard, cute little dog, and after
putting up a huge sign with green letters on our fence no one has
claimed him. Granted it's only been a day but how far could his little
legs take him?

My blog has gotten few views so far...less than 5, but I'm hoping
someone stumbles upon this and claims their puppy! He's super cute and
gives kisses!

If you know who lost this pup, email me! You gotta know it's name

We live by Aldine Westfield! (Houston, Texas)...

My mother request that you bring proof of ownership!

Put "my lost dog" in the subject line!

Who wants to win a Flip Camcorder?

Hey guys! Another sleepless night roaming the net and I come across

A chance to win a flip camcorder!

Go forth and enter!

I need sleep!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Da Datalisha! (=^_^=)

As those closest to me know my cat, Data (Day-ta), hates me!

Here's a little sound bite and pics of Data aka Datalisha being her
usual grouchy a lesser joke! She not being as mean
as she usually is! *(^O^)*

She hates me but she LOVES my momma!'s okay tho cause her sister,
Barclay (last pic) aka Da Barcalisha aka Barca-fat-fat aka Fat-ass LOVES
me! (^3^)

In the beginning there was nail polish...

So I started this account with the hopes of winning some nail polish and
no matter what I do I can't seem to enter! (>x<!)

Might as well make us of it...

Today pics of Obama showing of his toned body were shown on HLN...a
major improvement from pictures taken in 2007! As soon as I figure out
how to set up the pics I will...but I gotta tell ya, losing my blogging
virginity has proven to be annoying as hell.

And so ends my first blogging experience...what a quickie! (~_^)

I wonder if this thing'll go thru (currently experimenting with mobile